Individuals or retailers looking for products made in the Pennsylvania Wilds are encouraged to check out the 2022 PA Wilds Buyer’s Guide, a free downloadable tool designed to connect people to regionally-made products and services.
The Shop the PA Wilds digital gift card is a new program that is being launched in the PA Wilds, and it will offer a new opportunity for businesses participating in the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania value chain network to attract more customers.
PA Made Clothing & Arts Co. is celebrating the Grand Opening of their brick-and-mortar store located in Weedville, PA. The celebration is slated to be held Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28 during store hours 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 18452 Bennetts Valley Highway, Weedville, PA 15868.
Tune in on Thursday, June 9th from 2-5 pm for the PA Wilds $50K BIG IDEA Contest final pitch event at North Central LaunchBox in DuBois, PA. RSVP to attend live or virtually via ZOOM.
Bradford Creative and Performing Arts Center (BCPAC) is looking for skilled and experienced artists for this year’s Heart of the Arts (HOTA) project.
The Clinton County Arts Council will host its Juried Photo Show for 2022, titled “Ways of Seeing,” from June 10th to July 3rd, 2022. This year’s annual regional photography show will be open to all interested photographers living within a 150 mile radius of Lock Haven.
The PA Route 6 Alliance has recently announced its Bike-Friendly Business Program to help businesses attract more bicycling visitors to the Route 6 corridor and the entire region. This program is available at no cost to business owners and provides tools to enable them to better support bicycling enthusiasts.
The Northern Appalachia Review welcomes submissions of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction written about, representing, or engaging with the experience of living in or being from what we define in our mission statement as northern Appalachia. Submissions will be accepted through June 15, 2022.
Nestled among the hemlock and pine next to Cook Forest State Park, near Clarion, PA, and part of the Cook Forest and The Ancients landscape of the Pennsylvania Wilds, lies The Gateway Lodge.
In partnership with the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, and with funding support provided by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), Ben Franklin Technology Partners’ recent innovation competition targeted the counties of Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, and Jefferson. Nearly 40 entrepreneurs applied for this opportunity; six finalists have been selected from the group.