Ellen Paquette, of Warren, creates her art in multiple mediums, but much of her work depicts animals, many of which are endangered.
The application period is now open for Entry to Program Stream, a new general operating support grant opportunity for small arts organizations and non-arts organizations or units of government.
The Penn State SBDC Business Plan Bootcamp is a free 8-week accelerator program designed to take participants through the entire journey of writing a full business plan.
Allegheny National Forest Accepting Natural Resource Project Proposals in Forest County Secure Rural Schools Act Funding Available The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service is accepting proposals seeking funds for…
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Serving Centre, Clinton and Lycoming Counties, the Penn State Small Business Development Center (Penn State SBDC) provides entrepreneurs with the education, information, and tools necessary to build successful small businesses.
In partnership with the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, an award-winning, tech-based economic development program, is looking for innovators with BIG IDEAS located in Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, or Jefferson County, PA. If you are developing or crafting a product, process or innovation related to the maker economy, outdoors and recreation, forest products, manufacturing, or technology, you need to apply!
Shoppers in Bellefonte will now have an exciting new way to support small businesses. Downtown Bellefonte Inc. will launch a community-wide gift card — The LoveBFT Card — on Small Business Saturday (November 27).
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is seeking grant applicants for its Canoe Access Development Fund, which supports projects that will improve canoe and kayak access to the region’s waterways.
The Idea TestLab is designed to help you learn how to turn your business idea into a viable business and get a chance to win up to $3000 in funding! The 5-week virtual accelerator is for early-stage entrepreneurs with scalable business ideas.
Smith + Front, a retail store previously based in Philipsburg, recently opened in a new location in Bellefonte. Both communities are in the I-80 Frontier landscape of the Pennsylvania Wilds.