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Check out all the ways you can promote your business and reach new audiences on PA Wilds platforms
Promote your business as part of the network and as rooted in the PA Wilds region
Access tools and resources for growing your operations alongside the PA Wilds network
Learn more about selling products with the PA Wilds or how to source more PA Wilds products
Check out this Member Benefits Chart to see which benefits apply to Creative Makers.
Check out this Member Benefits Chart to see which benefits apply to Experience Makers.
Check out this Member Benefits Chart to see which benefits apply to Resource Partners.

Member Profile + Directory Listings
As a WCO member, you are in control of your member listing and your brand. Put your best foot forward with potential customers and business partners, and check your profile often to ensure it is up to date. Did you know? Profiles for all Experience Makers are featured on the See & Do, Stay & Play, and Travel Tips & Planning pages of!

Event Promotions
Did you know that you can submit your events through the WCO Member Events Portal and, once approved, it has the potential to appear on THREE websites? Yep – member events are listed on and But, perhaps best of all, events that appeal to visitors are also featured on – the third most visited page on the travel website!

Share News + Updates
As we look to build locally rooted wealth and build connections among all the stakeholders in the PA Wilds, we want to be sure your story is told. Submit your news, updates, opportunities and experiential blogs to us – and we’ll see how we can share it.

Member Spotlight Articles
Each month, a new member is spotlighted with a feature article posted on, and that blog article is linked in each week’s eBlast for the entire month. The member is also featured in the cover photo on the WCO’s Facebook page. This spotlight rotates among Membership Umbrellas: Creative Makers, Experience Makers + Resource Partners.

Social Media Features
Our team is active on several social media channels and works to promote members through rotational posts and collaborations.

PA Wilds eGift Card Program
The Shop The PA Wilds Digital Gift Card allows anyone to buy a gift card for loved ones and coworkers, individually or in bulk. Those gift cards can only be spent at participating businesses — which must be WCO members. It’s free to sign up – but merchants need to be able to accept MasterCard and perform manual entries at Point of Sale.

Become a PA Wilds Leave No Trace Partner
Help travelers understand how to protect the PA Wilds by practicing Leave No Trace, so that our region remains just as beautiful for future generations. As a Partner, you gain access to a toolkit with social media materials, branding assets and more to help you encourage stewardship of our precious resources. FREE.

Champion Awards Recognition
Each year the PA Wilds Center recognizes individuals, organizations, communities, and businesses that in the last year have made significant contributions to help grow and sustainably develop the outdoor recreation economy and nature tourism in the PA Wilds by marrying economic development and conservation goals. These prestigious awards are presented at the Center’s dinner. WCO members are encouraged to nominate peers and themselves for consideration!

PA Wilds Creative Makers Photo Series
Telling the story of the region’s creative makers is essential to developing the region’s sense of place and to helping the public appreciate the creativity around them. The Creative Makers of the Pennsylvania Wilds Exhibit sought to capture photos of members of the Wilds Cooperative in their private work spaces and bring them to the public. Five WCO photographers captured 80+ members, who received photos for marketing use. The photos continue to be used to this day, with the permanent exhibit on display at the PA Wilds Media Lab.

Member Branding Assets
As a WCO member, you have the opportunity to co-brand your operation as part of the PA Wilds. We have downloadable logo files for you to show off your membership and show your pride in being placed here in the PA Wilds. Download the files to put on your own marketing materials to show that you are part of this growing network of place-based operations committed to uplifting the region’s story and stewarding what makes it special.

Use PA Wilds Logo on Marketing Items
Did you know that WCO members have the option to use the PA Wilds logo on marketing materials for free? Position yourself as located in the region by putting the logo on your flyers, website, signage or other non-saleable materials. Simply fill out an application to tell us how you would like to use the logo. Our Brand Manager approves applications, provides accss to the correct files, and reviews designs to ensure they meet Brand Standards.

Use PA Wilds Logo on Merchandise
If you make a product in alignment with the PA Wilds mission that you would like to put the brand logo on, reach out! We are always looking for new product ideas and designs. Branded goods may be sold retail and wholesale and have the opportunity to get preferred placement at PA Wilds Conservation Shops, creating an immediate market opportunity.

PA Wilds Resource Guides
Get access to a free downloadable guide for your county that showcases loans, grants, marketing opportunities, technical assistance programs and more. Did you know? Resources featured range from support for private enterprises to nonprofits to government agencies.

Mighty Networks App for Members
A Mighty Networks app is now available for Wilds Cooperative of PA members. Connect professionally without all the extra noise of traditional social media. Find all answers to your questions about membership and connect directly with WCO program administrators.

Referrals to Service Providers
Are you looking for a specific resource? The PA Wilds Resource Guides lists a lot of options, but sometimes, it is helpful to talk to a human. Reach out to us, and we’ll see how we can help.

PA Wilds Contract Opportunities
PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship is a regional nonprofit whose mission is to marry conservation and economic development in a way that strengthens and inspires communities of the PA Wilds region. Its programs and services are part of a larger strategy for rural Pennsylvania that seeks to inspire stewardship, diversify local economies, retain population and attract investment. As part of this effort to build locally rooted wealth, the Center often issues Requests for Proposals (RFP) for specific services related to marketing, design, outreach and administrative support. Contractors are sourced in-region whenever possible, and WCO members are given preference. Check out PA Wilds Center’s news feed or LinkedIn page for RFP announcements.
PA Wilds Media Lab
The PA Wilds Media Lab is located in Kane, PA. It features a variety of business development tools and spaces for members to connect, learn and grow. Opening in Fall 2023, members will have access to audio-visual tools, a product photography studio, a conference room, and more. Whether your an artist, a brew pub owner, a nonprofit events coordinator or a service provider — as a member of the WCO, you will have the ability to leverage these tools and resources to create marketing resources and materials that can ultimately have a meaningful impact on your bottom line.

PA Wilds Dinner + Awards
More than 250 businesses and community leaders from across the Pennsylvania Wilds, along with state partners and officials from Harrisburg gather annually for the PA Wilds Dinner & Awards to get an update on the state and local effort to grow the region’s economy and recognize Champion of the PA Wilds Awards winners. During this event, PA Wilds Center recognizes individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and businesses that in the last year have made significant contributions to help grow and sustainably develop the outdoor recreation economy and nature tourism in the PA Wilds by marrying economic development and conservation goals. WCO members are also typically invited to exhibit and sell during the dinner.

Sell on the PA Wilds Marketplace
Creative Makers: Sell directly to customers, but leverage the power of the PA Wilds brand and marketing, by setting up a storefront on the PA Wilds Marketplace. You establish your policies, manage inventory, and complete shipping. There is no fee to set up a storefront; however, a 15% referral fee is taken off of each order.

Sell Wholesale with PA Wilds Shops
Professional Level Creative Makers are invited to apply to sell wholesale products with PA Wilds Conservation Shops, a growing network of physical stores operated by PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship staff. Since 2016, more than $1 Million has been invested in products made by WCO Creative Makers for the shops.

PA Wilds Buyer's Guide
Sourcing products made in the Pennsylvania Wilds has a ripple effect in our region. This Buyer’s Guide lists Professional Level Creative Makers (producers and creative industry professionals), Trading Posts (retailers), and PA Wilds logo licensees. We hope it helps you make a new business connection!
Learn more about the WCO, our place-based network of creative entrepreneurs and organizations.
Take advantage of opportunities to leverage the PA Wilds brand and grow your business.
Find more tools and resources related to WCO membership and growing your business.