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PA Wilds Center teams up with The Progress Fund, invites small tourism businesses to join its free network ahead of COVID grant program

The nonprofit PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship (PA Wilds Center) is encouraging small tourism-related businesses in the 13 counties of the Pennsylvania Wilds to join its free network as a way to help prep for the upcoming small business grant round announced this week by Gov. Tom Wolf.

PA Wilds Makers Market: An opportunity to show off your WILD things

Members of the Wilds Cooperative of PA are invited to participate in the first-ever PA Wilds Makers Market, an online shopping experience.

Green Phase: Process to Reopen Pennsylvania Businesses

The PA Department of Community & Economic Development reviews what guidance is needed for businesses located in green phase counties.

PHC CARES: Emergency relief grants for nonprofits amid COVID-19

PHC CARES: Emergency relief grants for nonprofits amid COVID-19 Pennsylvania Humanities Council is offering PHC CARES, an emergency relief fund for humanities organizations facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19…
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PA Wilds Conservation Shop at Kinzua Bridge reopens June 4 with modified hours, safety procedures

The PA Wilds Conservation Shop at Kinzua Bridge State Park will reopen on Thursday, June 4, with modified hours and new safety procedures after a brief closure due to COVID-19.

Wilds Are Working: Revived & Company

Bernard and Jill Owens of Revived & Company are interviewed by Josiah Jones of Visit Clearfield County.

Wilds Are Working: Art in the Wilds

Merry Ryding and Marilyn Blackmore from Art in the Wilds are interviewed by Kate Kennedy of Kane Area Development Center.

Wilds Are Working: Smith + Front

Staci Egan of Smith + Front is interviewed by Ellen Matis of Hello Social Co.

PAGO’s new ‘Sunday Drives Photo Contest’ offers cash prizes

The Pennsylvania Great Outdoors (PAGO) Visitors Bureau is pleased to announce their new Sunday Drives Photo Contests running from June through August.

Nuthatch Studio: A family gallery in Elk Country

Located near the bottom of Gray Hill Road in Elk Country, the Nuthatch Studio showcases works of art handcrafted by Kathleen, Martin, and Victor DePasse.