DCNR Grant Workshop, Outdoor Recreation Plan Webinar Recordings Available

DCNR Grant Workshop, Outdoor Recreation Plan Webinar Recordings Available

This past fall, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) hosted several webinars about DCNR’s recreation and conservation grants, and Pennsylvania’s new outdoor recreation plan — Recreation for All.

If you missed those webinars, or are in need a refresher, you’re in luck! Recordings of all the webinar presentations and breakout sessions are now available on DCNR’s YouTube page:

  • Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan Webinars — Each webinar focuses on one of the Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan’s five priority areas and cover challenges and opportunities facing Pennsylvania communities, research findings, and best practices. Special guests already helping to implement the plan also share their stories.
  • Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grant Webinars — Need funding for your park, trail, or conservation project? These videos provide tips on the grant programs, including what kinds of projects can be funded, how applications are scored, and strategies to make your application more competitive.

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