Greenways Mini Grant Funding Available in 6-County Region of PA Wilds

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Greenways Mini Grant Funding Available in 6-County Region of PA Wilds

Ridgway, PA – The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission (North Central), in cooperation with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), is pleased to announce a new Greenways funding round.

North Central is encouraging municipal entities and authorities, council of governments, 501C3 tax exempt corporations, educational institutions, incorporated watershed associations, conservation districts, and county and local governments within the region that are interested in expanding the North Central Pennsylvania Greenways network to apply for funding under the commission’s Greenways Implementation Block Grant Program. Eligible applicants must be located within the six county region comprised of Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean and Potter counties. 

The North Central Greenways Implementation Grant Program supports the advancement of recreation, conservation and heritage initiatives through the implementation of recommended priorities contained within the North Central Pennsylvania Greenways Plan. For more information, or to download a funding application, please visit North Central’s Greenways website at For questions regarding the program, eligibility concerns, or to request a hard copy of the grant application, please contact Rachel Wolfel, Community Development Coordinator, at 814-773-3162 or rw*****@nc******.com.

The competitive grant program will accept applications from July 10th, 2020 through August 10th, 2020. Grant requests should not exceed $25,000 with a dollar for dollar match. Match may be provided by in-kind services and/or cash. Special consideration will be given to projects that have secured local match at time of award and that involve opportunities for coordination between local and state agencies.

Deadline for applications is Monday, August 10th, 2020 by 4:00 PM. Completed applications can be emailed to Rachel Wolfel at rw*****@nc******.com or mailed to NCPRPDC at 49 Ridgmont Drive, Ridgway, PA, 15853.

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