Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center: Supporting local businesses and showcasing artisans
Cameron County | Elk Country and Dark Skies Landscape of the PA Wilds

The Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center is located in the Elk County and Dark Skies Landscape of the PA Wilds region. Opening their doors in 2008, the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center have taken up residence in a refurbished drug store in downtown Emporium, PA.
The artisan center promotes more than 70 artisans from across Cameron County. Each artist has their own dedicated display area. Each area includes a photograph and short biography so visitors can get to know each artisan. The Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center not only supports artisans by providing a place to sell their products, but also by hosting creative community workshops throughout the year.
The Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center is also dedicated to providing assistance to local businesses and even promotes the relocation of businesses to this area. In addition to their direct support, the chamber hosts two annual events right in the center of the business district of Emporium, PA in an effort to bring more traffic to local businesses. The first event starts the first Saturday of July known as Weekend in the Wilds. This event invites the community to Walk downtown Emporium while enjoying food, music and vendors. The second event is Christmas in the Wilds held on the first Saturday in December, to encourage people to shop local for the holiday season.
Whether it’s supporting local artisans or businesses, the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center is dedicated to continuously making a positive impact on their community.
The Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center is a Trading Post Partner under the Experience Maker membership in the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania. Learn more about the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Artisan Center by visiting their WCO Profile or wildscopa.org/our-members/.