Happy Frog Soap is all natural, hand made soap with pure therapeutic grade essential oils. My soap is an all natural product created as a chemical free alternative to mass produced, commercial soap products. This means no harmful chemicals on your body and no harmful chemicals in the environment. Happy Frog Soap is scented with pure therapeutic grade essential oils. These oils not only provide a wonderful fragrance, but also provide wellness benefits specific to each oil.Currently I offer 11 fragrances, two of which are specialty soaps. I have a pet soap which repels fleas and ticks and still is all natural. I also have a camping soap, also created to repel insects and help heal irritated skin.Happy Frog Soap is hand made in Jefferson County, PA.About the creator:Hi, I’m Ashley. I am a high school student with an interest in protecting the environment, protecting animals from cruel treatment and using natural items to avoid chemicals. That is why I created Happy Frog Soap. Originally, I only intended to make soap for my personal use, but my interest grew quickly after the first batch and I wanted to make more. I am committed to keeping the ingredients in Happy Frog Soap all natural and high quality. That is why my soap is scented with pure therapeutic grade essential oil, which provides additional benefits beyond just getting clean. Most of my soap has ground herbs, also providing additional benefits. All of the colorants are of natural clay or herbs, or both. That’s why my motto is "naturally clean and healthy".All of the herbs used in my soap are grown and sourced in Jefferson County, PA. Some of the essential oils are also sourced through local outlets, although there aren't any manufactured locally.Why Happy Frog ?Most commercially produced soap contains synthetic lathering agents, artificial colors and scents, and a slew of other chemicals. The synthetic chemicals from soap are passing through water treatment plants and into our ecosystem. These chemicals are harmful to animals such as frogs and other amphibians who have thin skin and can absorb the chemicals easily, causing them harm and disrupting the ecosystem. Using natural soap, free of these chemicals, protects these critters from harm. Using all natural soap makes for Happy Frogs.