Leonard Harrison and Colton Point State Parks

Member Directory

Leonard Harrison and Colton Point State Parks

PA United States

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Leonard Harrison State Park is closed to the public. Leonard Harrison State Park has temporarily closed the main day-use and parking areas, including the spectacular overlook area until September. The closure is anticipated to last for the summer. Work will include making improvements to the park entrance, pedestrian walkways and expanded parking areas. Additionally, a newly renovated Leonard Harrison State Park Visitor Center, which an includes exhibit hall, retail shopping area and outdoor seating. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make permanent improvements to the park. Access to Colton Point State Park, the Western Rim of the PA Grand Canyon will be open as normal. Colton Point is a rustic park with five overlook areas, an enjoyable alternative during construction at Leonard Harrison State Park. The Road to Colton Point State Park is paved but narrow with multiple sharp curves, please travel with care. On the west rim of the canyon, the 368-acre Colton Point State Park resonates with the rustic charm of the Civilian Conservation Corps era of the 1930s. The rugged overlooks offer great views of the canyon.


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  • Dark Skies
  • Pine Creek Valley & The PA Grand Canyon
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  • DCNR Asset
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