RuralRISE Summit: Focusing on rural entrepreneurial ecosystems


RuralRISE Summit: Focusing on rural entrepreneurial ecosystems

Join fellow ecosystem builders in the conversation about rural support and entrepreneurial ecosystem building during the 2020 RuralRISE Summit on June 29, 2020. The event will be held virtually this year

Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., participants will hear from skilled ecosystem builders and rural entrepreneurs. There will be presentations as well as virtual table conversations to share tips and resources. Throughout the day, participants will collectively seek to answer the question, “How do we empower the leaders, doers, and innovators in rural communities?”

An annual entrepreneurial ecosystem building conference, RuralRISE brings together ecosystem builders from more than 30 states across the U.S. to discuss how to empower leaders, doers and innovators in rural communities. More details on this event will be made available in the near future.


  • Register here. The cost is $45.59.
  • Apply for financial aid here.
  • See the draft agenda here.
  • Find out other ways to connect with the RuralRISE community at

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