Submit a proposal to teach at the 2020 Northeast Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit
The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking (NCCP) seeks proposals to teach at the 2020 Northeast Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit in Philadelphia on March 26-27.
This event is for the Northeastern region of the country, from Maryland up through Maine.
Proposals will be scored by The Northeast Summit Working Group, leaders in the field who have volunteered to help curate a narrative experience for participants.
Proposals will be accepted until midnight EST on Dec. 4.
NCCP believes that participant-centered, hands-on sessions are critical to building the field.
For further details please visit cpcommunities.org/submit.
The Northeast Summit Working Group has identified several topics that should be highlighted at the Summit. The group was surveyed and discussed the important issues around the region today. In addition, we articulated shared values.
While the following is not an exhaustive list, these are the topics that the Working Group has identified as priorities. This group will review all session proposals. Before submitting, please review the following recommendations from the Working Group.
Topics to Consider:
● Accessing equitable funding for capacity building and creative placemaking projects
● Making the creative placemaking field sustainable
● Communicating the value of arts and culture
● Housing / Homelessness
● Economic development
● Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Representation across forms of community capital
● Healthy Communities and Accessibility
● Gentrification and Displacement
● Youth opportunity
● Transportation
● Linkages between rural and urban areas
● Rural issues like out-migration and brain drain
● Environmental issues like flooding and stormwater, blight, energy, etc.
● The current political climate and how to bridge divides
● Leveraging the built environment and infrastructure for creative placemaking
● Arts and Culture focused activities as tool to address concerns and transform degraded
● Job creation and fostering entrepreneurship