Creative Maker Archives - Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania

Tag: Creative Maker

Horner’s Pens: One-of-a-kind quality hand-turned pens

Ever wondered what it’s like to hold a tree in your hand? Rich Horner’s handcrafted pens, based in the I-80 Frontier landscape of the PA Wilds region, offer just that. Each pen tells a unique story, shaped by its history and craftsmanship.

Pleasant Valley Farm: Hand-forged metal work and curated vintage items

Pleasant Valley Farm is a historic family owned farm located in the PA Wilds Allegheny National Forest and Surrounds Landscape. Dan and Emily Stevenson are the husband and wife creative makers continuing the farm’s traditions. Dan is an accomplished authentic blacksmith and Emily is a seamstress with a passion for history and agriculture. Together they raise a variety of heritage breed livestock and poultry as well as non-heritage animals.

Village Eatinghouse: Handcrafting flavorful, all natural and gluten free sauces

Village Eatinghouse owners Clay and Melanie Phillips have been in the sauce and marinade game for over 30 years. This husband and wife duo create their sauces in the Elk Country landscape of the PA Wilds region. You’ll find that they are not only inspired by the natural world, but they also embrace it with all of their products.