Tag: Grant

DCNR Grants Available To Assist Communities With Parks, Recreation, And Conservation

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is accepting grant applications for community recreation and conservation projects.

PA Dept. of Agriculture announces grants for ag education, workforce development, more

During the virtual 2021 Pennsylvania Farm Show, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announced the availability of more than $900,000 in funding available for programs and projects related to agriculture in Pennsylvania.

DCNR Grant Workshop, Outdoor Recreation Plan Webinar Recordings Available

The PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) hosted several webinars about DCNR’s grants that are now available via recording.

Fish & Boat Commission Accepting Applications for Grants to Improve Sinnemahoning Creek

The Fish and Boat Commission announced it is accepting applications for grants under the Sinnemahoning Creek Watershed Restoration Program. The deadline to apply is January 23.

Grants Available to Help Farmers and Small Businesses Save Money and Reduce Pollution

Grant funding for energy efficiency and pollution prevention projects for small business owners and farmers is still available from the Pa. Department of Environmental Protection.

Round 2 Small Business Assistance Grant window now open; Round 1 funding details released today

Today, the second and final round for the COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program opened. In addition, state officials announced 5,000 small businesses would be awarded grants from the first round of the business assistance program.

Second Round for State Grant Program for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Opens August 10

The second and final application window for the COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program will open at 9 a.m. on Aug. 10 and will remain open for 15 business days, officials say.

DEP Offering Grants to Small Businesses and Farmers for Energy, Environmental Projects

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced the availability of $1 million in grant funding to Pennsylvania small businesses and farmers for energy efficiency, pollution prevention, and natural resource protection projects.

COVID-19 Common Application Grant open to nonprofits in 3 PA Wilds counties

Nonprofit organizations in the Pennsylvania Wilds counties of Clinton, Lycoming and Tioga may be eligible to apply for grants through the COVID-19 Common Application.

Greenways Mini Grant Funding Available in 6-County Region of PA Wilds

The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission (North Central), in cooperation with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), is pleased to announce a new Greenways funding round.