WCO member profiles: New features designed to help businesses grow

WCO member profiles: New features designed to help businesses grow

WCO profiles

When the Wilds Cooperative of PA (WCO) website was overhauled in early 2019, new features for member profiles intended to create new marketing opportunities for businesses became available.

WCO profiles are where businesses have a chance to tell their story. 

Profiles populate the membership Directory and they’re used in other marketing marketing.

Members of the WCO have had the ability to access, update and change the information on their own profiles for years, including their business information/description, contact information, and photos. 

Two new components of their profiles allow them to better engage their prospective audience through their membership and network with other businesses in the WCO: Reviews and Deals.

So, what’s new with WCO profiles?


Customers, clients and partners can leave recommendations!

WCO members can invite customers and clients to review their products and services on their profiles. Members are also encouraged to review peers when they have worked with them professionally or have patronized their businesses.

“If traditional advertising is a megaphone that enables businesses to shout and see who’s listening, review sites are tractor beams that pull consumers toward local businesses precisely when they’re actively looking to spend money. That’s an invaluable opportunity for small businesses with tight — or non-existent — marketing budgets.”

– Cory Capoccia, “Online Reviews Are The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Small Businesses,” Forbes.com. Capoccia is president at Womply, a SaaS company that partners with the payments industry to empower small businesses with tech and data.

To leave a review, locate the business’s profile in the WCO Member Directory; at the bottom of the page, click the red “RECOMMEND” button.

Once a review or recommendation is received, an icon representing a “LIKE” will appear on the WCO member’s Business Card, which is displayed in the Directory. The full recommendation or review will be readable on the main page of the WCO member’s profile (About tab).


Promote special discounts and coupons!

WCO members can promote special rates or deals to their customers via their profiles.  

Studies have shown that coupons have a psychological impact on shoppers and consumers that can influence their shopping behaviors, such as encouraging them to try a new brand or product, or even enticing them to spend more on a product than they might have otherwise.

Deals will appear on a new tab of the WCO member’s profile.

Deals will appear on a new tab of the WCO member’s profile.

WCO profile - deal on business card

Once a deal or coupon has been offered, an icon representing a “DEAL” will also appear on the WCO member’s Business Card, which is displayed in the Directory.


Click here to learn more about how to access, navigate and update your profile!

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