Pennsylvania Downtown Center’s Conference will take place September 12-15 in Reading. Billed as Pennsylvania’s premier revitalization conference, the event will feature workshops and informational sessions on various topics related to community development, mobile tours, as well as featured speakers and the 2021 Townie Awards.
Downtown Bellefonte Inc. has been designated as an accredited Main Street™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards.
The City of Bradford’s Main Street program has again been designated as an accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards set by the National Main Street Center.
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) invites the public to participate in Envision Appalachia: Community Conversations for ARC’s Strategic Plan, a series of virtual public input sessions to identify critical opportunities and challenges facing Appalachia’s economic future help ARC develop its strategic investment plan for fiscal years 2022-26.
Plans to establish an open-air retail center, or market village, on a vacant lot in downtown Coudersport continue. Public comments are now being accepted, and a logo contest is also underway.