PA Route 6 Alliance Accepting Nominations for 2020/2021 “Do 6” Awards
Recognizing outstanding persons, groups, and communities along PA Route 6!
The PA Route 6 Alliance is requesting nominations for their annual “Do 6” Awards recognizing individuals, groups, projects and communities that exemplify and advance the Alliance’s mission of protecting, preserving and promoting the scenic, cultural, historic and recreational resources across PA Route 6.
With public health regulations causing the Alliance’s 2020 event to be postponed, this year’s “Do 6” Awards Ceremony — during the 2021 PA Route 6 Educational Summit & Annual Meeting on September 15–16 in Kane, Pennsylvania — will include awards for 2020 and 2021 for the categories of Heritage Partnership, Heritage Tourism, and Leadership. Combination 2020–21 awards will be presented for the categories of Lifetime Achievement, Artisan of the Year, and Heritage Community of the Year. The Artisan of the Year receives the honor of being featured on the 2022 Artisan Trail Poster and the Heritage Community of the Year the honor of hosting the Alliance’s 2022 event.
Alliance Executive Director, Candace Hillyard explains, “We are looking forward to coming together in-person, following proper safety protocols, of course, with our partners from across the region at our Educational Summit & Annual Meeting this year in Kane. Our work across the PA Route 6 Heritage Region could not be done without the dedication and passion of thousands of people, organizations, businesses, and communities. Our “Do 6” Awards are a small way to recognize some of the best.”
2019 award winners included the Good Growing Gardens of Smethport (Heritage Partnership); Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music and Arts Festival of Honesdale (Heritage Tourism); Tina Pickett, PA State Representative of the 110th Legislative District (Heritage Leadership); Kane Borough in McKean County (Heritage Community of the Year); Stained Glass Reflections of Wellsboro (Artisan of the Year); and Randy Heller, Solid Waste Director and Recycling Coordinator, of Wayne County (Lifetime Achievement).
Nominations may be submitted until June 1, 2021 by any individual or group through the online or printable form at https://paroute6.com/do-6-awards-nomination. Award winners will be notified upon selection and invited to the Awards Ceremony which will be held on September 16th in Kane. For more information on the “Do 6” Awards Program or the 2021 PA Route 6 Educational Summit & Annual Meeting, visit https://paroute6.com/2020-2021-educational-summit-annual-meeting or contact the Alliance at in**@pa******.com or 814-435-7706.
The PA Route 6 Alliance, a 501(c3) corporation, was established in 2003 to manage the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor and to implement branding and marketing plans, community development programs and other planning efforts along the corridor. The Alliance includes representatives from all 11 counties, 9 convention and visitor bureaus, 4 heritage areas, local development districts, local business owners, Chambers of Commerce, and other interested parties along the corridor. The PA Route 6 Heritage Communities program is a program of PA Route 6 Alliance and PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor funded by the PA Heritage Area Program under the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
*Photo of Route 6 by Kyle Yates, a professional Juried Artisan of the Wilds Cooperative of PA